1-800 WATER DAMAGE of Rogers and Bentonville: Your Trusted Restoration Partner

In the unfortunate event of a fire wreaking havoc on your home, immediate and strategic action is necessary for damage control and emotional recovery. The comprehensive process of fire damage restoration in Bentonville, AR encompasses repairing or replacing the charred parts of your home and caring for the affected well-being of those who live there.

Repairing the Aftermath of a Home Fire

The necessary scope of repairs post-fire is contingent upon the fire’s severity. Expert restorers at 1-800 Water Damage of Rogers & Bentonville will determine the salvageability of surfaces and materials, while deciding on the necessity to replace others. Key steps in fire damage restoration include:

  • Debris Removal: The critical first step involves clearing out the charred remains to pave the way for the restorative work to begin.
  • Securing the Premises: Temporarily sealing off compromised doors and windows protects against additional harm or unauthorized access.
  • Repairing Roof Damage: Sealing breaches in the roofing is essential to prevent water damage, a frequent byproduct of the firefighting process.
  • Provisional Electricity: Setting up a temporary electrical supply is imperative for powering the lights, fans, and dehumidifiers that aid in restoration.

Eradicating Smoke Damage

Eradicating fire’s scent and soot necessitates effective airing out and meticulous scrubbing. The enduring smell of smoke often permeates and persists within the home, posing a challenge to completely eliminate. The American Red Cross endorses trisodium phosphate (TSP) as a formidable cleaning agent to tackle smoke’s stubbornness. How to harness TSP for odor and soot removal:


  • Pre-test Garments: It’s vital to perform a compatibility check on clothing following the manufacturer’s guidance before any cleaning attempt.
  • TSP Solution: Combine 4 to 6 tablespoons of TSP with 1 cup bleach or household cleaner per gallon of warm water to create your solution.
  • Cold Water Method: For an alternative route, launder clothes in cold water with standard detergent and add a tablespoon of vanilla extract for better cleansing.

Hard Surfaces:

  • Solution Preparation: First, employ the TSP solution mentioned above, protecting your hands with rubber gloves.
  • Detail-Oriented Cleansing: Then, clean affected areas methodically, starting from the bottom up to avoid drips and ensure all-encompassing attention.
  • Rinsing and Drying: Follow up with a rinse using warm water and dry thoroughly. Repainting should only be done once walls and ceilings are fully dry.
  • Mold Prevention: Finally, to combat mold, treat wet surfaces with a bleach-water solution (1 cup bleach to 1 gallon of water), testing beforehand for surface compatibility.

Washable Wallpaper:

  • Gentle Cleaning: Treat washable wallpaper like painted walls, taking care not to oversaturate and secure any loose pieces with proper adhesive.

By adhering to these restoration guidelines, you’ll be able to thoroughly cleanse and deodorize various items and spaces affected by smoke and soot.

Home Fire Prevention Strategies

The optimal approach to fire damage is prevention. Utilize these tips to curtail the risk of house fires:

Kitchen Safety

Kitchen mishaps are a common fire source; avoid risks by supervising cooking activities, particularly when fatigued, keep combustibles away from heat sources, and have a fire extinguisher within reach.

Electrical Maintenance

Electrical fires are one of the most common reasons for fire damage. Maintain vigilance over your home’s electrical integrity. Odd odors, outlet discoloration, or sparks warrant professional evaluation and possible repair.

Heating Precautions

Position all heating elements a safe distance from flammable items. Ensure an annual maintenance inspection of the chimney and heating equipment.

Mindful Smoking Practices

Indoor smoking increases the likelihood of fire. Practice caution and extinguish cigarettes completely when done.

Don’t Leave Candles Unattended

While candles add ambiance to a room, they can also be fire hazards. Never leave candles unattended, and keep them at least 12 inches away from flammable objects. Consider using flameless candles as a safer alternative.

Fire damage restoration in Bentonville, AR is a complex and challenging process. With the right guidance and a professional disaster restoration company like 1-800 WATER DAMAGE of Rogers and Bentonville, you can restore your residential property to its former glory. By following these tips and being vigilant in fire prevention, you can significantly reduce the risk of a devastating house fire.

Contact us today at 479-480-5070 to experience the difference of working with a restoration company that truly cares. We are proud to serve in Bella Vista, Bentonville, Oildale, Rogers, and Springdale

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