Fire and Water Damage Restoration, Mold Removal Services in Carbondale, Colorado

Proudly Serving Carbondale

1-800 WATER DAMAGE of Western Colorado is the trusted name in restoration services for Carbondale. Dealing with disasters such as flooding, fire, sewage, and more can be stressful. Often, these situations occur unexpectedly—do you know who to call if it happens to you? We have over a decade of industry-leading experience and our highly-trained professionals have the tools and knowledge necessary to get your property looking like new again.

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    Facts About Carbondale

    The Town of Carbondale is a Home Rule Municipality in Garfield County, Colorado, United States. The town population was 6427 at the 2010 United States Census. The town is located in the Roaring Fork Valley, downstream from Aspen and upstream from the mouth of the Roaring Fork River at Glenwood Springs. The town proper sits on the south bank of the river, at the confluence of the Crystal River. Carbondale’s horizon is dominated by the 12,953 ft (3,952 m) tall Mount Sopris several miles to the south of town.


    Carbondale takes its name from Carbondale, Pennsylvania, hometown of some of Carbondale’s early settlers. Carbondale’s economy was initially agriculturally based. Farmers and ranchers capitalized on open lands around Carbondale to supply food for miners in nearby Aspen, then a booming center of silver mining activity. Early in the 20th century, before the rise of industrial agriculture in Idaho, Carbondale’s primary agricultural product was potatoes. The legacy lives on in Potato Day, an annual fall parade and cookout in Sopris Park. Despite the non-geologic origins of the town’s name, the Carbondale area does in fact possess significant coal resources. Until the late 1980s Carbondale’s economy was primarily based on coal operations up the Crystal River Valley. The coal mined from the area was favored for its high burning temperature, low sulphur content, and density. However, the coal deposits also contained significant amounts of methane gas. In 1981, a methane gas explosion killed 15 miners and by 1991 the mines closed down permanently. The rise of Aspen as a skiing mecca and subsequent hyperinflation of its real estate prices has forced a majority of its workers downvalley to other towns like Carbondale. Thus, especially since the 1980s, Carbondale has partly served as a bedroom community to Aspen. More recently Carbondale has seen a boom of second-home construction, arts and recreational amenities, and tourism as the area’s wealth and renown has grown. KDNK is an FM radio station licensed to Carbondale.

    Discover the 1-800 WATER DAMAGE difference for yourself when you call 970-712-5298 for water damage and property restoration services in Carbondale.

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