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Mold Types and Mold Remediation

Whether you’ve failed to ventilate your bathroom correctly, had flood damage in cool areas of your home or property, or left your food out of the fridge for too long, you’ve probably had run-ins with mold. But “mold” is a vague word. The problem lies in the fact that what we commonly refer to as mold comes in many different varieties — so many different varieties, in fact, that “mold” as a term by itself isn’t very useful at all. There are at least 12 different types of common molds found in homes.

In this article, we cover a few of the most common mold types, and mold remediation; it’s important for us to dispel some myths that could hurt you. At 1-800 Water Damage of Western Colorado, we’re dedicated to making your life as comfortable as possible. And as a professional mold remediation company, we know a thing or two about getting rid of mold.

Common Mold Types


The most common type of allergenic mold in the world is called alternaria. It often looks like small specks with brown or green hairs growing out of it. Generally, alternaria grows wherever there’s dampness in your home. This means that alternaria can grow on sinks, toilets, showers, walls, floors — you get the picture. It’s also a common result of water damage and can grow quickly after a flood. If alternaria isn’t taken care of quickly, it can spread all over your home. It’s especially important to get rid of this kind of mold as soon as possible because of how quickly it can spread. Because it is an allergenic mold, alternaria can also cause shortness of breath and symptoms similar to asthma.


Though it’s not as common, it’s also important to talk about acremonium, another kind of mold. Even though acremonium is rarer than alternaria, it’s far more dangerous. In general, acremonium goes from being a small wet spot to a powdery mold. Acremonium is a toxigenic mold, which means that it can be extremely dangerous. It can cause serious illness and disease in organs, immune system, and even bone marrow. It’s also a carcinogen that can harm the way your brain functions. We feel that it’s important for you to know this because we want you to understand how dangerous it can be — and why it’s important to get professional help for mold remediation jobs. If you even think that you might have mold in your home, you should give us a call right away.


Another mold that is commonly found in homes is called aspergillus. This type of mold appears in large, thick spots and can be many different colors because there are more than 185 species of aspergillus. Like alternaria, aspergillus is an allergenic mold — but unlike alternaria, it can develop into a toxigenic mold depending on where and how it grows. Certain Aspergillus species are more dangerous than others, and depending on its environment, it can cause anything from asthma attacks to lung infections. 185 species of one type of mold is too many to easily distinguish, and unfortunately, it’s impossible to figure out exactly what kind it is without consulting a professional. That’s one of the reasons we’re so adamant about contacting a professional mold remediation company whenever you’re looking to do mold removal.

That’s only three kinds of common mold types found in homes. Unfortunately, we don’t have the space here to cover every single type for you. But if you have any concerns, we’re always available for mold inspections.

Dispelling Mold Myths

One of the most important parts of accurately informing you about mold in your home is dispelling common myths about mold remediation. You’ve probably heard someone tell you to use bleach to kill mold. This is one of the most common myths about mold removal. While bleach can kill the surface of mold colonies, the problem is that is doesn’t reach far enough. If the mold is growing on any kind of porous surface (like your walls), mold roots are left behind, and the mold colony will regrow all over again. In fact, bleach can actually help mold colonies grow. Residual material left over by bleach can be a food source for mold to grow. So, if you have a mold colony in your home, put down the bleach. It may harm more than it helps.

But that doesn’t mean that it’s impossible for you to get rid of small colonies of mold that start to grow in your home. Instead of reaching for the bleach, there’s another household item you can use to take care of it. Hydrogen peroxide, unlike bleach, can fit into porous surfaces and reach mold at the roots instead of stopping at the surface. Even so, we always recommend talking to mold remediation professionals. You simply can’t know what kind of mold you’re dealing with without consulting people who can test for it. And when it comes to something that can endanger your health and well-being, you shouldn’t take any risks.

Another important “myth” to talk about is that for the most part, insurance does not cover mold remediation. Many insurance companies have separate riders that can be added to policies, for coverage. It is a myth, however, to think that just because you have mold in your home, insurance will pay for its removal. Yet another reason to call us at 1-800 Water Damage, as we can often find ways to help you work with your insurance company, and navigate the overall restoration process.

Mold Remediation

Ultimately, even with pictures and YouTube self-help guides, mold remediation is difficult to handle alone. There are numerous ways to improperly remediate mold, which can lead to mold spores becoming airborne in the rest of the property. The danger also lies in the fact that you never really know which type of mold you’re looking at, without testing. You might think, for example, that a mold’s color shows how dangerous it is. But we know that the color of mold has little to do with its danger.

At 1-800 Water Damage, we perform mold remediation jobs every year, and we’re in constant contact with indoor environmental hygienists who can test for types of mold found in homes. So, if you have a mold problem, contact us first. It’s the only way to make sure you get rid of that pesky mold without risking your health and your home.


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